Saturday, March 28, 2015

Men In Suits

This story comes from a dreamer like you...

This is a dream that has been a reoccurring sometimes every other night for me for the past two weeks. It is the same dream every time. I start out having a drink downtown at my favorite bar; and I can feel someone staring at me. I turn around and I see a man in a suit turn his back to me. I turn back to my drink, finish it, and stand up to leave and hear a rustling of pint glasses behind me. In the dark corner of the bar a group of suited men are siting staring at me but I cant make out what their faces look like.

I walk out the front door and start to walk down the street as I'm walking I fumble around in my pocket for a lighter to light my cigarette. I find a box of matches and strike a light for the cigarette in my mouth. Im walking alone down the cold damp streets in the dark; as I round a corner, the street lights are dim and flickering. I start to hear the sound of my boots squishing the water beneath my feet. Then I hear a second set of shoes off in the distance, a distinct clopping noise of wooden dress shoes hitting the sidewalk at a steady pace. I look over my shoulder to see a figure far down the sidewalk, I watch him for a few seconds, every time he approaches a street light the lamp of light dies. I pick up my pace walking a little faster and I hear more than one set of feet behind me and I look back and these men in suits are close, about two street lights away from me. Im looking back fixating on their faces but every time try to identify these men I wake up and at this point is where I woke up the first time.

Every other time I have had this dream the men in suits chase me until I try to look at them then I wake up.

Interpretations From:
To dream that you are at a public bar signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a light-hearted environment where pleasure abounds. Alternatively, you are seeking acceptance in some aspect of your daily life. The dream may also be a pun on being "barred" from some place or something. You are feeling excluded or held back by circumstances beyond your control.


To dream that you are being watched suggests that you are feeling confined in your work     environment or personal relationship. You are lacking privacy and feel you are being scrutinized or criticized. 

Being chased signifies running away from yourself :
Another way to analyze your chase dream is how the pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own Self. Perhaps you are suppressing or rejecting certain feelings or certain characteristics of your Self. Anger, jealousy, fear, and even love can manifest as a threatening figure in your dream. And you could  be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser. 

If you do not smoke in waking life and dream that you are smoking, then it indicates that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in. The dream may also be a metaphor for an addictive relationship or habit in your waking life.

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